IOS App | IOS Development | Internet of Things Startup
Relevant Services: Code Architecture, Database Architecture, DevOps, Lead Developer, VP of Engineering, Web Development.
Relevant Skills: IOS Development, Ionic, Angular Js, Typescript, JavaScript, Gulp, NPM Scripts, Node.js, SCSS, CSS3, HTML5, Git, Xcode, Apache Cordova, Oauth 2.0, Firebase, NoSQL, API Creation, API Integration, Back-end Development, Developer Lead, IOS, jQuery, SVG.
On the heels of my last IOS app in React Native, I started this project in Ionic. The designs were already done and it was my job to implement them in a cost effective way. At first, the client pushed really hard to build this in Ionic 2 (using Angular 2). At the time, Angular Read More: IOS App | IOS Development | Internet of Things Startup