A software-as-a-service entrepreneur approached us to help stabilize their current application. They had a couple developers already, but they wanted to improve their processes and be able to scale their servers. Their current jobs took too long to run and sometimes took too many resources, which interfered with user and client administration. We proposed a Read More: Website Maintenance & Fixes | Automotive Website
I’m not sure why most people’s first reaction to tech projects is to find a nerd genius in his parent’s basement who’s a jack of all trades: The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoder. Building something on the internet is surprisingly similar to building something in real life, let’s take for instance building a home. It would be Read More: Avoid The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoder
I’m going to talk a little bit about a nightmare I found myself in as a non-technical founder and what you can do to avoid it. I was a young professional with a small family and a 9-5 job in corporate America. I had big dreams of starting my own business. I was a glutton Read More: Avoid This Nightmare
Sometimes we do projects that were designed by other companies. That was the case with this website. The SAAS entrepreneur approached us about doing the build because code is our specialty. We do offer website design, but we’ve optimized our entire process around delivering high quality code at a good value. The code and website Read More: WordPress Development | SAAS Marketing Website Refresh
We’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what is possible with technology. Internet opportunities aren’t like a gold rush, where the wealth creation is limited by supply that is drying up, a more accurate metaphor is how electricity enabled ongoing innovation for more than 100 years. This idea was first promoted by Jeff Bezos. Read More: The Internet Is Just Getting Started
Have you ever found there isn’t “an app for that?” I hope you’re reading this because, like me, you increasingly see more and more opportunities where you could leverage the internet to solve business problems. Opportunities like: “Paper? You want me to fill this out on paper?” “What if we could see real-time data on Read More: The Successful Non-technical Founder
We maintained and upgraded several boilerplates that save our clients time and money. A boilerplate is a set of useful code laid over a foundation of open source technologies. Many times the boilerplate is proprietary connective code to help start a project quickly and easily. In our case, we have a web application boilerplate that Read More: Upgraded Proprietary Boilerplates
This is a sister site to the funding web app. The two work hand in hand to sell customers on the company and then allow those customers to apply for funding easily. We chose to build most of the public, customer facing website with WordPress. It is still the most widely used, powerful, and versatile Read More: WordPress Design & Development | Financial Website
Buink is a great place to work, as well as a great place to have quality software written. I originally contracted Buink for some web development, and it worked out so well we began working together on many different projects. Definitely an honest transparent company that needs to be considered for... read more
Response from the owner: Thanks for the kind words Dave!