One of the things I like most about my new job at Voltage is the interesting projects I get to work on. It seems like there is always new and challenging problems and Centura Health was no exception.
In addition to a bunch of animation surprises, I had to figure out how to make a fully functional map into a full-screen background and then allow users to interact with it. Users can find the closes hospital by searching their zip code and they can see detailed information about any hospital by clicking on the map marker. All this is done without even needing a database. Pretty cool huh?
When I started this project I had no idea if this type of map was even possible. Turns out that Google has done an amazing job with their Maps API and it was much easier than I anticipated. The hardest part of the whole project was making the site responsive in all browsers, even the villainous IE7. Curse you Microsoft!
I guess I’ll end on that note. May all your interactions with IE7 be breif. 🙂