This project was very fun and also very valuable for my client.
We’d already built a web application and our client asked how hard it would be to create the same application on IOS. The answer is unfortunately harder then you’d think.
That said, we’d used some cross-platform technologies in the past like Ionic, but those projects typically started as IOS apps and the use case was generally to maintain one codebase across Android and IOS, not typically including the web as well.
We dug into our principle of reducing the amount of redundant code and went on a search for some open source software that could help us maintain one codebase across multiple different platforms (IOS, Android, AND the web).
We found Capacitor, but it was just in beta. We talked with the client about the tradeoffs and risk and luckily they decided to take a leap of faith.
We were able to build their existing Vue app as an IOS app and were even able to leverage Touch ID login and Apple payments for the subscription management.
In this end, this was a very fun project and was very valuable for the client.